MOOGOO Moothpaste With Fluoride 100g
Our Moothpaste is all about oral health and the health of the ingredients. We understand that over a lifetime people swallow a lot of toothpaste. Especially children. We use a low irritation and healthy cleanser, not SLS. We use Xylitol to starve the harmful bacteria in your mouth, reducing plaque build-up and tooth decay and gum disease. We also use a low abrasivity dental grade of bicarb soda for stain removal.
Moothpaste was one of the first toothpastes in Australia to offer the well-studied and natural alternative to Fluoride called Hydroxapatite. We also offer a version with Fluoride as some dentist are very adamant a toothpaste should contain this. Others disagree of course.
We also formulated Moothpaste to have low abrasivity in order to protect teeth and gums from wear, but with enough scrubbing power to prevent stains. (For the toothpaste geeks likes us, it has an RDA of approximately 90.