MARTIN and PLEASANCE Schues Tissue Sa Comb 12 6x 250t
A general tonic to be taken during times of hard work, nervous strain or mental fatigue
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Contains lactose.
For the temporary relief of:
Overall fatigue & exhaustion.
Each tablet contains equal amounts of 6x:
Calc fluor (Calcium flouride)
Calc phos (Calcium phosphate)
Calc sulph (Calcium sulphate)
Ferr phos (Ferrum phosphate)
Kali mur (Potassium chloride)
Kali phos (Potassium phosphate)
Kali sulph (Potassium sulphate)
Mag phos (Magnesium phosphate)
Nat mur (Sodium chloride)
Nat phos (Sodium phosphate)
Nat sulph (Sodium sulphate)
Silica (Silicon dioxide)